Helping Others Grow Through Loss

If you're here, it's because you want to help people who are in pain...

The problem is, most of the research we have on grief and loss is outdated and flawed.

Scientifically, we know very little about guiding others through grief.

Tired of sitting back and watching others suffer (as she did after her children passed),

Julie paved her own way forward as an independent grief coach.

Using empirical research, personal observation, and countless hours of practical application,

Julie developed a curriculum for growth unlike anything else that's out there.

These principles have been used by teachers, leaders, spouses, friends, therapists, coaches and parents

to help people work through their grief after loss, and rebuild their lives.

Julie's Hope Model of Healing and the 5 Foundations of Growth teach us:

✔️ how to experience grief (in our body, minds, all aspects of life)

✔️ how to grow through that grief in practical and doable steps

✔️ how to rebuild our lives and identity after loss

Click to access her free training below!

Become a Grief Coach

As an independent grief coach, Julie Cluff has guided people through unimaginable loss.

Her step-by-step system provides gentle structured and thorough support necessary to grow through grief.

THIS EXACT PROGRAM helps hundreds of people find hope, reconnect to their lives, and rebuild their identity!

Today, Julie teaches people how the process works, and how you can become a grief coach!

The best part about grief coaching is:

  • you don't need a fancy degree

  • you can work from home, with the skills and gifts you already have

  • you can make a deep and lasting impact on people's lives!

All you need is a desire to do this important work, and an enthusiasm for learning new things!

Over the last 5+ years as a grief coach, Julie has been able to:

  • Help dozens of individuals come back from and thrive, after tremendous loss

  • Make money as a coach, without having to spend hundreds of thousands on a fancy degree

  • Spend every day impacting other people's lives

If you're still here, you are probably a very special person, uniquely gifted to do this work!

In her FREE training, Julie shares how she went from grieving to grief coach, and how you can, too! (Plus, what it takes to get Certified)

As part of my FREE training, we will review:

1. The history of

Grief Education

in America

2. Why people get

stuck in grief &

how to help

3. Why new

Understanding & Tools

are vitally important today

4. What it takes

to become a

Certified Grief Coach!

Julie Cluff

note: this is a brief note from Julie about why some people stay stuck and others overcome grief.

for the full free training, click the link below

have you ever felt this way?

The truth is, when I started this work, I didn't feel qualified to help people heal.

Yes, I'd endured my own loss...but I felt unprepared to help others through theirs.

I didn't have the confidence in my skills, and found myself wondering...can I make a difference?

Have you ever felt this way?

You are uniquely qualified for this work!

The truth is, you don't need much to do this work. All you really need is:

  • a deep-rooted desire to help others heal

  • experiences with grief or loss in your life

  • a willingness to learn the skills required to successfully lead others.

So stop wondering if you're right for this work, and start doing it!

students have said...

"As a coach Julie is intuitive, gentle and kind. She is so knowledgeable and answered our questions with wisdom and grace. I trust her implicitly.

If you are considering taking this training, don't hesitate! So many people need what she offers and she teaches it in a way that feels doable for anyone."

- julie h.

You might be asking...

Am I in the Right Place?

If you are genuinely interested in learning about grief coaching, or are even curious about grief and healing...

...then I say an emphatic YES!

You are in the right place.

People are hurting because they don’t know where to turn.

They don’t understand why what they do know about grief isn’t helping.  

You may not have the answers, but you will.  

You can offer them hope,

and hope is everything when it comes to healing. 

Check out my free training by clicking the link below.

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