People are hurting. You see it every day and you want to help.

Build a Life After Loss © Grief Coach Training

September 27 2022 - November 29, 2022

Begins in

Loss is a major part of our lives, and yet few people know how to handle it or what to do when loss occurs. Unfortunately, common misunderstanding around grief instructs people to wait it out because they believe time heals all wounds. This idea only creates more pain. Most of us know from experience that this isn’t true. Time alone doesn’t heal us.  

Other common misleading and unhelpful messages that people hear is to just get over it or to learn to carry the pain forever. These messages are also unhelpful and even harmful. 

Through my grief experiences of losing my brother to suicide, going through a painful divorce, and the excruciating devastation of losing my two youngest children in a car accident, I’ve learned firsthand that time isn’t all we need to feel better and that deciding to “just get over it” doesn’t work either. In addition, learning to carry the pain forever is no solution at all.  

People NEED steps, understanding and guidance. When people grieve, their support needs to be greater than their challenges. That’s where you come in. As a coach trained in grief healing, you will be a POWERFUL influence for good in the lives of those you love and those you coach.  And when you change someone’s life, you not only influence their life for good, you also change a family and a community for good. The light you bring to the world is huge! 

Through my personal experiences and my extensive study on the topic of loss and grief, I’ve developed the HOPE Model of Healing and the 5 Foundations of Growth.  This is the framework of my coaching and how I lead people effectively down a path to healing. I’ve successfully coached people on how to accept themselves where they are, grow their hope and move through the pain of loss in a gentle, healthy, and doable way.  

People are absolutely astonished by the progress they can make by following this program in a few short months verses years and years of suffering.  

Clients who have been mired in grief for years start to shift in powerful ways in a matter of days and weeks through the process, tools, and principles of this program. I’ll share my grief coaching program with all the nuances of the tools and how to coach people through the process in this upcoming grief coach training.  

Below are just a few reviews from past clients who have experienced the power of healing through grief coaching in the HOPE Model. When you learn this Model and the foundational coaching skills associated with working with those who are grieving, you’ll also be collecting testimonials like this. 

“Julie has helped me learn about grief and has given me tools to reframe my terrible experience, which has allowed me to truly have HOPE for the future. I never thought it was possible. She has helped me rebuild confidence, love for myself and others, and patience when it gets hard. Her support, guidance and gentle leading in the work I needed to do, has changed everything.” – Kristy 

“Julie is absolutely great to work with! Her grief program was gentle while also helping me move forward in areas I was quite resistant to. She helped me clarify what was going on inside me and she helped me achieve big goals through small, achievable steps. I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with her.” - Angela 

“I have been reflecting on how grateful I am for the opportunity I had to work with you. I have a calm and peace that I NEVER thought would be possible. Thank you for being such a light in my life.” – Erin

“You changed my life.” – Kirk 

When people grieve it affects all areas of their life – their confidence, their health, their relationships, and their sense of purpose. When they choose the path of hope it also affects ALL areas of their life. You can bring healing to others through your study of grief, hope and healing. 

I invite you to join us for an exclusive coach training of the Build a Life After Loss grief coach certificate program starting September 2022. You’ll receive valuable, hands-on training in an online small group setting, receive the Grief Healing Manual to share with your clients and learn the tools and principles I use to personally coach clients. 

This is what one coach said about her experience in the Build a Life After Loss Grief Coach Training: 

Going through the grief training was a profound experience for me.  I learned so many things that were brand new to me and that helped me understand grief on a much deeper level.  I loved that we learned tools to help create hope and to move through the pain, not just avoid it or stuff it. "   

"As we were trained, we worked through the program ourselves.  My personal experience with the program was emotional, tender, and brought me more peace than words can express.  I love that now I have tools to empower my clients to make step by step progress and find joy again. " 

“As a coach, Julie is intuitive, gentle and kind.  She is so knowledgeable and answered our questions with wisdom and grace.  I trust her implicitly.  If you are considering taking this training, don't hesitate!  So many people need what she offers, and she teaches it in a way that feels doable for anyone.  I will forever be grateful for the things I have learned from this program, and I can't wait to share it with others so they can grow and heal too.” – Julie Hawkes

In the past, you have felt ill-equipped to handle the grief of others. With this training, you will feel confident in your ability to support others in and through their grief. And when you apply these coaching skills and tools your clients will enjoy: 

  • Your skilled support 

  • Greater confidence in themselves and their ability to navigate their painful feelings 

  • Increased hope in the future because of the tools and understanding they’ve gained 

  • Ability to release the pain of the past 

  • Improved relationships 

  • Expanded personal power 

  • Greater capacity to live with intention and joy 

  • Increased compassion for themselves and others 

It cannot be over emphasized enough that these skills and tools and the way your clients will shift through the experience of your grief coaching will completely alter the trajectory of their life.  

As a trained coach in grief support and healing, your work is lifesaving.   

Whether you’re currently a coach that would like to add grief healing to your practice, a grief coach looking for more tools, just starting on your coaching journey or wanting to support family and friends more effectively, this training is for you.  And don’t be surprised it if changes your life too!! 

Build a Life After Loss © Grief Coach Training

September 27, 2022 - November 29,2022

Tuesday Evenings @ 7pm - 8:30 pm CT

Your training includes:

  • Nine 90-minute live zoom classes

  • Recording of all calls for 1 year 

  • Online group training on the HOPE Model of Healing and the 5 Foundations of Growth 

  • Training in the coaching skills and tools specific to grief

  • All materials including the 100 page Build a Life After Loss client manual 

  • Right to use learned skills, tools and materials freely in your practice as outlined in the program 

  • Tuition: $2000  

People are hurting because they don’t know where to turn and they don’t know why what they know about grief isn’t helping.  

They don’t have the answers, but you will.  

You can offer them hope, and hope is everything when it comes to healing. 

Your Trainer:

Julie Cluff is a certified international grief coach and the founder of Build a Life After Loss and the True Hope Club at She’s a keynote speaker, host of the Build a Life After Loss podcast, and author of Miracles in the Darkness. As a grief coach she helps those who are experiencing grief to move through their painful thoughts and emotions associated with grief to find peace and hope. Her work is revolutionary as she has combined her powerful personal experiences of loss and healing and her extensive study and education to develop the HOPE Model of Healing that leads people gently through the 5 Foundations of Growth.  Julie’s mission is to bring hope to a hurting world. She and her husband Ron are the parents of 6 children, including 2 angels and 10 grandchildren. You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and via email - []. 

Reserve your spot today - full tuition due on or before September 20, 2022

To regisiter, pay your tuition and complete the application on the next page.

If you'd like more information before registering, email Julie at

or click here to schedule a free 15-minute information call with Julie.

Reserve your spot today!for the Build a Life After Loss © Grief Coach Training
Grief Coach TrainingQuantity$2000.00
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